Technical Lead and Pacesetter

Product DesignMentoringTypescriptReactNestJSPostgresTailwindCSSKubernetesAWSAlgorithms & Data Structures

In response to the need for strategic evolution at N-SIDE, I took the role of Technical Lead and Pacesetter for an ambitious project. This initiative marked a significant shift from our previous high-value, complex solutions to a more operational focus, specifically aimed at solving collaboration and efficiency issues in Clinical Supply Management.

The project was an opportunity to leverage a new technological stack, chosen explicitly for its ability to scale our product, our infrastructure and team more effectively.


  • Team Collaboration and Leadership: Collaboratively led the project with two other leaders, representing product, market, and technology aspects. Successfully built and fostered a team environment where collaboration across these leadership domains was paramount, ensuring the project's success through unified efforts and shared vision.

  • Strategic Product Shift: Guided a significant shift in our product strategy, moving from niche, complex solutions to a more operationally focused and collaborative solution. Where our previous solutions might require hours of computing time to generate a single result, Lighthouse was designed to provide near-instantaneous results, allowing users to see the impact of their decisions in real-time.

  • Software Stack Transformation: Led the transition of our technology from an in-house platform to a state-of-the-art software stack, incorporating React, Nest.js, Kubernetes, and TypeScript. This upgrade significantly modernized our infrastructure, enhancing scalability and development efficiency.

  • Development of the core engine: Led the development of the forecasting capabilities, delivering accuracy and speed in the predictions.