Software Engineer

Project ManagementScalaJavaPythonConstraint ProgrammingMixed-Integer ProgrammingDiscrete Event SimulationMachine LearningAWS

In my role as a Software Engineer at N-SIDE, I had the opportunity to work on a variety of groundbreaking projects across multiple industries. These projects included determining energy prices with Euphemia, scheduling hot metal flow in steel making, simulating patient demand in clinical supply chains, creating prediction models for energy prices, and developing a forecasting tool for payroll in the healthcare industry.

Consistent Approach Across Diverse Projects:

  • Deeply understanding client needs to ensure the development of tailored solutions.
  • Modeling client processes using a wide range of AI techniques, adapting to the specific requirements of each project.
  • Wrapping core models in well-engineered software solutions, with or without user interfaces, to enhance usability and effectiveness.

Key Techniques and Technologies:

  • Employed advanced optimization techniques & algortihms:
    • Constraint Programming to schedule the mixing and transportation of hot metal inside an integreated steel mill.
    • Mixed-Integer Programming to solve the Price determination problem for the European energy market in Euphemia.
  • Discrete Event Simulations to accurately estimate the highly variable demand of patients in clinical trials.
  • Implemented machine learning algorithms including Random Forests and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) for predictive analytics.


  • Collaborated with a close-knit team of experts to develop these cutting-edge solutions.
  • Successfully delivered diverse, yet consistently high-quality software solutions tailored to unique industry needs.
  • Recognized for versatility in applying a wide range of AI and optimization techniques in various real-world scenarios.