Technical Lead

Project ManagementSolution DesignMentoringScalaDiscrete Event SimulationDockerAWS

Promoted to the role of Technical Lead following my successful implementation of the simulation engine for patient demand in clinical trials, I spearheaded the creation and then the technical direction of the Supply app.

This application has now been adopted by numerous pharmaceutical companies, including about half of the top 20 pharma companies globally to optimize the supply chain of over 10,000 of their most complex and critical trials, significantly impacting the industry.

Under my leadership, the project grew from a solo endeavor to being supported by a team of over five skilled software engineers.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Technical Leadership: Guided the team in the development of the Supply app, ensuring the application met the highest standards of quality and performance.
  • Project Management: Managed the project, ensuring that it was delivered on time and within budget.
  • Solution Design: Led the design of the application, ensuring that it met the needs of the end-users and was scalable and maintainable.
  • Core Development: Let the development of the core engine of the application, using Discrete Event Simulation to model the complex supply chain of clinical trials.


  • Engine migration to more flexible and powerful Technologies: I led the design and implementation of a new Discrete Event Simulation engine written in Scala. This advancement replaced the previous engine, introducing greatly improved flexibility and power for modeling a diverse range of clinical trials.

    • This transition marked a significant leap in the application's ability to handle complex simulations without the need for constant trial-specific code adjustments.
    • The new engine also allowed for the integration of new features and capabilities, such as the ability to model the depot resupply and IP manufacturing.
  • Platform Transformation: I guided the transition from a Java Swing-based single-user desktop application to a cloud-based, multi-user platform. This transformation not only enhanced the user interface but also facilitated a more efficient, collaborative, and accessible experience.

These contributions were pivotal in moving away from a previous application that addressed similar needs but with limited flexibility, scope and reach.